Enhance the breastfeeding experience for Moms and their little ones with premium LACtation-boosting SNACks.
Let’s be real: the breastfeeding journey is amazing but can be oh-so-hard.
Enter Lacsnac™ — a mom-owned, women-led company — crafted for the Mom with great taste!
As a team of Moms and Foodies, we strive for the best — for Mom and her little one. We have a passion for gourmet snacks made from superfoods known to increase milk production for nursing and breastfeeding Moms. We’ve replaced the snacks that are lackluster, with our crave-worthy lactation-enhancing snacks.
We didn’t stop at snacks. We’re social too! Say hi in our inclusive space to connect, find resources and share advice about all things motherhood! Click to join our VIP Facebook group, #LactationLove.
We’ve formulated proprietary blends of gluten-free whole foods and herbs known to boost the milk supply from Mom while also sneaking in nutrient-rich, plant-based energy and immune-boosting vitamins & minerals.
When crafting our formulas, we were super picky; all of our Mom-selected ingredients serve a specific purpose, and we bet you can pronounce them all.
Made from thoughtfully-sourced and predominantly organic ingredients, every bite, sip and spoonful of Lacsnac products help Mom and her little one reach their Milk Milestones.
Tolerating not-so-tasty healthy foods is *so* last year.
Crave-worthy snacks you deserve are in and here to stay!
From our kitchen to yours, we’re sharing the #LactationLove through our products, blogs, social content and VIP Facebook Community.
We’ll keep innovating for you and your little one until our Mom-made mission is complete.
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